Hitechsgeeks is a platform for students and working professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of engineering and technology

Hitechsgeeks is a platform for students and working professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of engineering and technology

Hitechsgeeks is a platform for students and working professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of engineering and technology

Hitechsgeeks is a platform for students and working professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of engineering and technology.

Hitechsgeeks is a platform for students and working professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of engineering and technology.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Civil Engineering Interview Questions - 4

1. What is the Minimum size of opening for a door?
    Ans: Minimum size of opening for a door is 750 mm X 2000 mm

2. What is the minimum Width of the staircase?
    Ans: Minimum width of the staircase is 750 mm

3. What is room height?
    Ans: The vertical distance measured from the finished floor surface to the finished ceiling surface.

4. What is a mezzanine floor?
   Ans: An intermediate floor between two floors of any storey forming an integral part of floor below.

5. What is a parapet?
    Ans: A low wall or railing built along the edge of a roof or floor.

6. What is a balcony?
    Ans: A horizontal projection with a handrail.

7. Why the bye-laws insist the set-backs surrounding the buildings?
     Ans: To have the provision for the in-flow of sufficient natural lighting and ventilation into the building and also to protect the easement rights of the neighbours.

8. Why bye-laws insist maximum set-back surrounding the building for high-rise buildings?
     Ans: To facilitate the movement of Fire-Tender all-round the building in case of fire accident.

9. What is “Intelligent Building”?
     Ans: The Building which automatically controls the consumption of natural/ artificial energy resources to the required level of the needs and comforts.

10. What are “Private Scale” and “Public Scale” in Architecture?
       Ans: The size and proportions of the elements adopted for the residential buildings and the public buildings is known as “Private Scale” and “Public Scale” respectively.

11. What are the parameters for fixing the volume of the room?
       Ans: Furniture / equipment to be placed and the number of persons to be occupied. The air-changes required as per the occupancy load will derive the height / volume of the room.

12. In which climatic conditions, sloping roofs are essential?
     Ans: In the regions, where there is frequent rainfall and snow-fall.

13. What is Horizontal and Vertical circulation area and how much it will be?
      Ans: The area of verandahs, passages, corridors, balconies, porches etc. is called Horizontal circulation area and this may be 10 - 15% of the plinth area of the building. Vertical circulation area of a building is the area or space occupied by staircase & lifts and this may be 4 - 5% of the plinth area of the building.

14. What do you mean by AutoCAD?
       Ans: It is Computer Aided Drafting software.

15. What is the ‘going’ of step and how much it should be?
       Ans: The run of a step in a stair or the width of the tread between two successive treads and min width should be 250 mm.

16. How many types of perspectives can be drawn and what are they?
      Ans: There are three types of perspectives
       a. One point
       b. Two point
       c. Three point

17. To construct any building, what are the minimum drawings required?
      Ans: Minimum drawings required for constructing any building or structure is Plan, Elevations (all sides) and Cross-sections.

18. What are the types of views used in the drawings?
      Ans: Isometric (30 degrees from the base), Axonometric (45 degrees from the base) & Perspective (30 and 60 degrees from the base).

19. Where should the North point be indicated in a drawing sheet?
      Ans: It should be indicated on the Right hand top corner on a drawing sheet.

20. How will you present a two-dimensional surface with three dimensional effects?
      Ans: Two-dimensional object with Sciography will have the effect of three dimensional appearances.

21. What is the minimum area of a habitable room?
       Ans: 9 Sq. m with a minimum width of 2.5 m.

22. How many steps can be provided in one flight of stair-case?
      Ans: A maximum of 12 steps can be provided in one flight of stair-case.

23. What should be the gradient of the ramp?
      Ans: 10 to 15 degrees from the horizontal floor.

24. What is architrave?
      Ans: Architrave is the wooden beading provided over the joint of Wooden frame of door to the adjoining masonry wall.

25. What are the advantages of the plaster-groves in the elevation?
       Ans: Groves in the plaster offer the following advantages:
              a. Confine the plaster-cracks within
              b. Define the boundaries for differentiating the surface finish/ colour
              c. Add visual effect of horizontality or verticality

Thursday, 28 April 2016


1. What are the types of paints for internal walls?
Ans: Following are the type of paints for internal walls
        a. Oil Bound Distemper
        b. Acrylic Emulsion
        c. White Wash etc.

2. What are the types of paints for external walls?
Ans: Following are the type of paints for external walls
        a. Anti fungal paints
        b. Ace and Ultima etc.

3. What are the types of Windows based on its material?
Ans: The types of windows based on material are Wooden Windows, Aluminium Windows, UPVC Windows and Steel Windows etc.

4. What are the types of Doors?
Ans: The types of Doors are Flush Doors, Panelled Doors, Steel Doors, Aluminium Doors, and UPVC Doors etc.

5. What are the joints in Carpentry?
Ans: The types of Joints in Carpentry are Mortise and Tenon Joint, Lap Joint, Groove Joint etc.

6. Why is curing required for concrete?
Ans: Curing is required for compensating the water lost due to heat generated during the hydration of Cement.

7. What is concrete?
Ans: Concrete is a uniform mixture of Cement, Sand, Aggregate and Water at certain proportion.

8. What are the types of floor finishes?
Ans: Following are the type of floors finishes adopted.
         a. Mosaic Flooring
         b. Marble Flooring
         c. Granite Flooring
         d. Ironite Flooring
         e. IPS Flooring
         f. Acid resistant tile Flooring
         g. Tiled flooring
         h. Vitrified Flooring etc.

9. What are the different roofing sheet materials used?
Ans: Following are the roofing sheet material used:
       a. AC Sheets
       b. Polypropylene fibre reinforced Cement Sheets
       c. FRP Sheets
       d. Poly Carbonate sheets

10. What is RCC and what is PCC?
Ans: RCC is Reinforced Cement Concrete and PCC is Plain Cement Concrete?

11. What is the mortar mix proportion for 1 Brick thick wall and Half Brick thick wall?
Ans: a. Mortar proportion for 1 Brick thick wall is 1:6
        b. Mortar proportion for 1/2 Brick thick wall is 1:4

12. What is the Plastering Thickness adopted?
Ans: Plastering thicknesses adopted are Inner Side 15 mm, outer side 20 mm, ceiling 12 mm thick.

13. Why is reinforcement placed in Concrete?
Ans: Reinforcement is placed in Concrete to take tensile loads due to bending and direct tension.

14. What is the minimum grade of concrete used in RCC?
Ans: M20 Concrete is the minimum grade of concrete to be used in RCC.

15. What do you mean by PCC 1:3:6?
Ans: PCC 1:3:6 is Plain Cement Concrete of proportion 1-Cement, 3-Sand & 6-Aggregate (stone chips).

16. What is the minimum cross-section of a wooden door frame?
Ans: 100 x 65 mm is the minimum cross-section of a wooden door frame.

17. What is the size of a traditional brick?
Ans: The size of traditional brick is 230 X 115 X 75 mm

18. What is thickness of the brick masonry and stone masonry?
Ans: The thickness of brick masonry is 230 / 115 / 75 mm and stone masonry is 345 / 450 mm.

19. How many no. of hinges are provided for a door shutter?
Ans: Three no. of hinges are provided for a door shutter.

20. Where will the main reinforcements are placed in Cantilever beam and simply supported beams?
Ans: a. In Cantilever beams main reinforcements are placed at top surface.
         b. In Simply supported beam the main reinforcement are placed at the bottom surface.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Civil Engineering Interview Questions-2

1. What are the grades of Portland cement presently available?
Ans: Presently we have 33 Grade, 43 Grade and 53 Grade Cements available in market.

2. What strength do you expect M20 concrete to yield at 7 days?
Ans: M20 concrete shall give 2/3 of 28 days strength on 7th day i.e. 13.34 N/mm2

3. What is the test for hardened concrete?
Ans: One set of three Concrete cube of 150 mm size will be prepared and tested for 28 days compressive strength after moist curing. The average strength will be recorded.

4. How is Clay bricks tested for compressive strength?
Ans: One set of 5 bricks sample will be selected and the frogs and undulations will be filled with mortar. The bricks will be moist cured after one day of air curing for 5 days. After that the bricks are wiped and tested in compression testing machine. The average of the results is computed. 

5. As per IS what is the minimum strength of Clay Brick which is acceptable?
Ans: As per IS Specification the minimum compressive strength acceptable for Clay Bricks is 35 kg/cm2

6. What is the water absorption limit for Clay Bricks?
Ans: Water absorption limit specified is 20% of weight of dry bricks in case of Clay Bricks.

7. What are the tests for Sand?
Ans: The tests for sand are
a. Sieve analysis
b. Fineness modulus
c. Bulking of Sand

8. What is Bulking of Sand?
Ans: When the Sand contains certain amount of moisture, the sand particles occupy more space than dry sand because of water films, thereby increasing the volume of the sand.

9. Sand is also called fine aggregate and what is the maximum particle size of sand?
Ans: Maximum particle size of Sand is 4.75 mm and down size.

10. What are the tests on coarse aggregate?
Ans: The tests for coarse aggregate are
a. Sieve analysis
b. Flakiness index
c. Crushing strength etc.

11. Why slump test is used in fresh concrete?
Ans: Slump test is used to know the work-ability of concrete.

12. What is the slump size required for high work-ability?
Ans: Minimum slump required for high work-ability is 100 to 150 mm depending on reinforcement congestion and concreting condition.

13. What is frog on brick? How the bricks will be placed in course?
Ans: Frogs are the depressions / markings on brick usually the abbreviation of manufactures name. This helps in imparting good bond. The frogs are placed facing up while placing the brick in course.

14. What is the material of brick used popularly?
Ans: The material of Bricks popularly used is burnt Clay.

15. What is the difference between Load bearing wall construction and framed construction? Which is preferable?
Ans: In load bearing wall construction the RC Slab will be placed directly on brick wall and not on Columns and beams. However the same are placed on RC beams and columns in framed construction. The brick walls in this type of construction act as filler material only and does not carry load. Framed buildings are preferable as the load bearing walls of 230 mm thick cannot take load beyond two floors.

16. What are RR Masonry and CRS masonry walls?
a. RR Masonry walls are Random Rubble Stone masonry where the stones are irregular in size and also the joints are irregular.
b. CRS masonry is Coursed Rubble Stone Masonry where the joints are defined.

17. What are the tests performed for cement at site?
Ans: Following are the tests performed at site,
a. The batch number marked on the cement bags are to be checked as the cement beyond 6 months of age is not to be used.
b. Cement shall not contain any lumps.
c. Hand is placed inside the cement bag, hand shall feel the cool feeling.

18. What is the stripping time for RC members?
Ans: Stripping time is as follows:
a. For vertical surfaces such as columns it is 16 to 24 hours
b. For Soffit of Slab 3 days (Props to be fixed simultaneously after removal of formwork)
c. For Soffit of Beam 7 days (Props to be fixed simultaneously after removal of formwork)
d. Props are removed after 7 days for slab whose span is less than 4.5m
e. Props are removed after 14 days for slab whose span is more than 4.5m
f. Props are removed after 14 days for Beams whose span is less than 6 m
g. Props are removed after 21 days for Beams whose span is more than 6 m

19. What are the various welding types adopted?
Ans: Weld types adopted are Fillet weld, Butt Weld etc.

20. What are the methods of welds?
Ans: Methods of welds are Gas welding, TIG Welding, and Arc Welding etc.

21. What are the types of reinforcements used in RC Construction?
Ans: Types of reinforcements used in RC Construction are MS Bars, TOR Steel, TMT bars

22. What are the structural steel section designations?
Ans: Different types of Roofs are Pitched Roof, Flat Roof and Curved Roof.

23. What are the types of pointing in masonry construction?
Ans: Types of pointing are Recessed pointing, Raised Pointing and Flush Pointing.

24. Water is the range of Water - Cement ratio used in Concrete?
Ans: The Range of Water - Cement ratio used in Concrete are 0.40 to 0.60

25. What are the types of foundations based on depth?
Ans: Based on depth, the foundations are classified as Deep Foundations and Shallow foundations.

26. What are the loads coming on a structure?
Ans: The Loads coming on a structure are Dead Load, Imposed Load, Snow load, Wind load, Earthquake Load, Crane Load, and Equipment Load etc

27. Why is reinforcement placed in Concrete?
Ans: Reinforcement is placed in Concrete to take tensile loads due to bending and direct tension.

28. What are the dewatering techniques adopted?
Ans: Dewatering techniques adopted are Drains around the area, Pumping, Cement grouting etc.

29. In case of water shortage, how do you cure the Concrete?
Ans: The Concrete can be cured by not allowing the mixed water to escape by covering the surface, by application of Curing compound etc.

30. What are super plasticizers?
Ans: Super plasticizers are compounds mixed in concrete which enhance one or more quality of concrete such as work-ability, setting time etc.

31. What is RMC and is it better than site mix concrete?
Ans: RMC is Ready Mixed Concrete which is premixed at factory and delivered at site. The mixing materials are handled in machine and are computer controlled and hence the quality control is proper.

32. What are lintels and what are the types of Lintels?
Ans: Lintels are used to support masonry above an opening generally for Doors & Windows. Different types of Lintels are RC Lintels, Stone Slabs as Lintels, Wooden Lintels etc.

33. What are the PPE to be used while working at Site?
Ans: The PPE to be used while working at site are Helmet, Safety Shoes, Safety Belts to work at height, Safety Glasses for welding, Safety Gloves for touching any chemical including Cement etc.

Civil Engineering Interview Questions - 1

Civil Engineering Interview Questions -3

Monday, 25 April 2016

Civil Engineering Interview Questions -1

1. What is the size of a traditional brick?
    The size of traditional brick is 230 X 115 X 75 mm

2. What is thickness of the brick masonry and stone masonry?
    The thickness of brick masonry is 230 / 115 / 75 mm and stone masonry is 345 / 450 mm.

3. How many no. of hinges are provided for a door shutter?
    Three no. of hinges are provided for a door shutter.

4. How much thickness of plastering will be given for internal and external surface?
    The thickness of the plastering will be 15mm for internal and 15 mm / 25 mm for external.

5. What is the height of wash basin?
    The height of wash basin is 810 mm from finished floor level.

6. What are the depth and projection of the sun-shade for any Window of a building in normal climatic conditions?
      600 mm is the projection generally given for the sun-shades in normal climatic conditions.

7. What is the height of mirror fixed above the wash basin?
     The center line of the mirror will be fixed at 1.5 m level from finished floor level.

 8. What are the important types of brick bonds?
     There are two types of brick bonds which are usually practiced
         a. English bond
         b. Flemish bond

9. What is a Frog in brick and why is it provided?
   It is a depression on the top face of a brick. Frog provides recess for the mortar which on setting forms a key and prevents the displacement of brick above.

10. What is the Riser of steps and how much it should be?
       Riser is a vertical distance of steps between the upper surface of the successive treads and it should be min. 150 & max. 190 mm.

11. What is “site”?
      A piece of land enclosed by definite boundaries.

12. What are Header and Stretcher in masonry?
       a. Header is a full brick / stone, which is laid with its length perpendicular to the face of the wall.
       b. Stretcher is a full brick / stone, which is laid with its length parallel to the face of the wall.

13. Why is toothing provided in the brick masonry?
      Bricks or stones left projecting in alternate courses for the purpose of bonding future masonry work.

14. What is the minimum cross-section of a wooden door frame?
       100 x 65 mm is the minimum cross-section of a wooden door frame.

15. What is the minimum cover thickness specified for various elements of RC structure?
       Minimum cover thickness specified depends on exposure condition of the concrete in addition to the type of elements. In mild exposure conditions, the minimum cover thickness specified is
 a. Slab – 20 mm
 b. Beam – 25 mm
 c. Column – 40 mm
 d. Footing – 50 mm

16. What is the Plastering Thickness adopted?
      Plastering thicknesses adopted are Inner Side 15 mm, outer side 20 mm, ceiling 12 mm thick.

17. Why is reinforcement placed in Concrete?
      Reinforcement is placed in Concrete to take tensile loads due to bending and direct tension.

18. What is the nominal size of Modular Bricks and Conventional Bricks?
        a. Nominal size of Modular Clay Brick is 200 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm
        b. Nominal size of Conventional Clay Brick is 230 mm x 115 mm x 75 mm

19. What is the purpose of giving mild steel bars as reinforcement in concrete?
   In reinforced cement concrete important aspect is to have good bond between reinforcing bars and the   concrete for monolithic behavior of the material. Mild steel has coefficient of thermal expion similar to that of concrete thus they maintain good bond in case of decrease and increase in temperature.

20. What is the minimum grade of concrete used in RCC?
       M20 Concrete is the minimum grade of concrete to be used in RCC.

21. What do you mean by PCC 1:3:6?
       PCC 1:3:6 is Plain Cement Concrete of proportion 1-Cement, 3-Sand & 6-Aggregate (stone chips).

22. What is the mortar mix proportion for 1 Brick thick wall and Half Brick thick wall?
       a. Mortar proportion for 1 Brick thick wall is 1:6
       b. Mortar proportion for 1/2 Brick thick wall is 1:4

23. What do you mean by M20 Concrete?
     In M20 Concrete, M stands for Mix and 20 stands for characteristic compressive strength i.e. 20 N/mm2

24. What is RCC and what is PCC?
      RCC is Reinforced Cement Concrete and PCC is Plain Cement Concrete

25. What do you mean when we say 43 grade cement?
       When a cube of 70.6 mm of Cement – Sand mix in proportion of 1:3 (1- Cement & 3- Sand) is tested           in compression testing machine after 28 days of curing in water yields compressive strength 43 N/mm2. 

26. What are the instruments used for marking any structure on ground?
      Following are the instruments used for marking structure on ground.
      a. Theodolite
      b. Dumpy Level
      c. Total station

27. What are the types of floor finishes?
       Following are the type of floors finishes adopted.
        a. Mosaic Flooring
        b. Marble Flooring
        c. Granite Flooring
        d. Ironite Flooring
        e. IPS Flooring
        f. Acid resistant tile Flooring
       g. Tiled flooring
       h. Vitrified Flooring etc.

28. What is the roofing sheet material used?
       Following are the roofing sheet material used:
       a. AC Sheets
       b. Polypropylene fibre reinforced Cement Sheets
       c. FRP Sheets
      d. Poly Carbonate sheets

Civil Engineering Interview Questions -2

Civil Engineering Interview Question - 3

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Job opening in NPCIL for Engineering Graduates

Job opening Details: Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) invites application from Engineering Graduates for the post of Executives Trainee (ET-2016)

Number of Vacancy: 183

Disciplines wise Vacancy:
1. Mechanical - 75
2. Electrical - 32
3. Electronics 26
4. Chemical - 28
5. Instrumentation – 12
6. Industrial & Fire Safety – 10

Qualification: Full time BE/B.Tech/B.Sc Engineering (4 years)

Age Limit: 26 years as on 15/05/2016

Job Location: All over India

How to Apply: The Online registration will be start from 25/04/2016 at 10:00 Hrs. and will end on 15/05/2016 at 17:00 Hrs.

Company profile: NPCIL is a Public Sector Enterprise under the administrative control of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE),Government of India. The Company was registered as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1956 in September 1987 with the objectives of operating atomic power plants and implementing atomic power projects for generation of electricity in pursuance of the schemes and programmes of the Government of India.
NPCIL is responsible for design, construction, commissioning and operation of nuclear power reactors. NPCIL is a MoU signing, profit making and dividend paying company with the highest level of credit rating (AAA rating by CRISIL and CARE). NPCIL is presently operating 21 nuclear power reactors with an installed capacity of 5780 MW. The reactor fleet comprises two Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) and 18 Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) including one 100 MW PHWR at Rajasthan which is owned by DAE, Government of India

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

JavaScript Interview Questions

1)  What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a lightweight programming language, designed to add interactivity to HTML pages. . It can enhance the dynamics and interactive features of your page by allowing you to perform calculations, check forms, write interactive games, add special effects, customize graphics selections, and create security passwords and more.

2) Are Java and JavaScript the Same?
NO, Java and JavaScript have almost nothing in common except for the name. Java is technically an interpreted programming language, it is coded in a similar fashion to C++, with separate header and class files, compiled together prior to execution. It is powerful enough to write major applications and insert them in a web page as a special object called an "applet”.  Whereas JavaScript is a lightweight programming language, designed to add interactivity to HTML pages

3) What are the features of JavaScript ?
  • JavaScript is powerful scripting languages that help HTML designers to effectively and interactively design websites and web pages in a very simple and efficient way.
  • It has features to achieve dynamic effects in web pages. 
  • One of the powerful features of JavaScript is its ability to detect client browser. It can detect the type of browser the visitor is using and programmatically switch the page to show customized pages designed for different browsers. 
  • A JavaScript can be used to store and retrieve information on the visitor's computer
  • It has the feature of validating data submitted at the client level. This helps in saving the processing time of the server, because JavaScript initially creates the validation on the client side.
  • JavaScript has simple rules and procedures that make it easier to use and learn for programmers. 
  • It is an interpreted language, meaning that it can be used or executed with ease without pre-compilation.
4) What are the advantages of JavaScript?
  • Simplicity. JavaScript is relatively simple to learn and implement.
  • Versatility. JavaScript plays nicely with other languages and can be used in a huge variety of applications. Unlike PHP or SSI scripts, JavaScript can be inserted into any web page regardless of the file extension. JavaScript can also be used inside scripts written in other languages such as Perl and PHP.
  • Server Load. Being client-side reduces the demand on the website server.
  • Less Server Interaction:  Being client-side, JavaScript is very fast because any code functions can be run immediately instead of having to contact the server and wait for an answer.
5) What are the disadvantages of JavaScript?
  • Security. Because the code executes on the users' computer, in some cases it can be exploited for malicious purposes. This is one reason some people choose to disable JavaScript.
  • Reliance on End User. JavaScript is sometimes interpreted differently by different browsers. Whereas server-side scripts will always produce the same output, client-side scripts can be a little unpredictable. Don't be overly concerned by this though - as long as you test your script in all the major browsers you should be safe.
  • JavaScript doesn't have any multithreading or multiprocessing capabilities.
6) What is Browser Object Model (BOM)?
Browser Object Model (BOM) provides interaction with the browser. The default object of browser is window.

7) What is Document Object Model (DOM)?
Document objects represent the html document. It can be used to access and change the content of html.

8) What is the use of window object?
The window object is automatically created by the browser that represents a window of a browser. It is used to display the popup dialog box such as alert dialog box, confirm dialog box, input dialog box etc.

9) What are the JavaScript data types?
  There are two types of data types in JavaScript:
  • Primitive Data Types
  • Non-primitive Data Types

10) What the difference is between == and ===?
      The == operator checks equality only whereas === checks equality and data type i.e. value must be of same type.

11) What does the isNaN () function?
      The isNan() function returns true if the variable value is not a number.

12) Difference between Client side JavaScript and Server side JavaScript?
·        Client side JavaScript comprises the basic language and predefined objects which are relevant to running java script in a browser. The client side JavaScript is embedded directly by in the HTML pages. This script is interpreted by the browser at run time.
·        Server side JavaScript also resembles like client side java script. It has relevant java script which is to run in a server. The server side JavaScript is deployed only after compilation.
13) What is negative infinity?
Negative Infinity is a number in JavaScript which can be derived by     dividing negative number by zero.

14) What is difference between View state and Session state?
View state is specific to a page in a session whereas Session state is specific to a user or browser that can be accessed across all pages in the web application.

15) What are the pop up boxes available in JavaScript?
  • Alert Box
  • Confirm Box
  • Prompt Box