1. Give some conventional signs & symbols used in drawing.

2. What is the standard range of tread and risers for staircase?
Ans: a. The tread for staircase range from 230 mm to 300 mm
b. The riser for staircase range from 150 mm to 165 mm
3. What is a site plan?
Ans: Location of the facility within the plot area indicating the north direction is site plan.
4. What are the set of working drawings?
Ans: Working drawing consists of Plans, Sections, Elevations and detailed drawings with required dimensions.
5. How many types of Drawings are there?
Ans: Drawings are: Preliminary Drawings, Tender drawing, working drawing & Presentation drawings.
6. What is latitude & Longitude?
Ans: a. Latitudes are imaginary lines on the surface of earth from West to East.
b. Longitudes are imaginary lines on the surface of earth from North to South.
7. On what does the quality and accuracy of a drawing depend?
Ans: The quality and accuracy of a drawing depends upon the quality of drawing instruments.
8. What is a Representative fraction?
Ans: Representative fraction (RF) is Length on drawing / Actual length
9. What is a perspective View?
Ans: The perspective view is a central projection in which projection lines are not parallel but converge to a finite point from the plane of projection.
10. What are the popularly available bar diameters for reinforcing?
Ans: Popularly available bar diameters for reinforcing are 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 20 mm, 25mm, 28 mm & 32 mm
11. What are the structural steel section designations?
Ans: Structural steel section designations are ISMB, ISMC, ISA, IST etc.
12. What are the popularly available structural steel beams?
Ans: Popularly available structural steel beams are ISMB 125, ISMB 150, ISMB 175, ISMB 200, ISMB 250, ISMB 300, ISMB 350, ISMB 400, ISMB 450, ISMB 500, ISMB 600 etc.
13. Where the main reinforcements are placed in Cantilever beam and simply supported beams?
Ans: a. In Cantilever beams main reinforcements are placed at top surface.
b. In Simply supported beam the main reinforcement are placed at the bottom surface.
14. What are the different types of Roofs?
Ans: Different types of Roofs are Pitched Roof, Flat Roof and Curved Roof.
Auto CAD Questions
1. What is full form of CAD?
Ans: CAD means Computer Aided Design.
2. What is layer management in AutoCAD? How are layers useful?
Ans: Drawing different elements in different Layer of same drawing is Layer management. By drawing in Layers, we can overlap different features without actually over writing. Lighting layout etc can be overlapped with building plan to get the actual feel without congesting the Drawing.
3. How do you set up layers?
Ans: Layers can be setup in AutoCAD by creating different layers and drawing relevant features in that current Layer. It can also be achieved by creating different layers and then changing the already drawn elements into that layer.
4. How many types of menus AutoCAD has?
Ans: AutoCAD has pull down menus, Side menus etc.
5. Which version of AutoCAD is being used by you?
Ans: We have AutoCAD 2011 version.
6. How do you set layer properties?
Ans: Layer properties are set in Layer list menu.
7. What are the layer properties which can be set?
Ans: Layer properties such as colour of font, type of font, line thickness, line type etc can be Set in layer properties.
8. What command is used to convert 3D to 2D?
9. What is the Command to draw an arc between two intersecting lines?
10. How do you display information about objects on the screen?
Ans: List (Li)
11. How do you copy objects from one layer to another layer?
Ans: By using COPYTOLAYER command
12. What is the shortcut for getting diameter (Ø) symbol in text?
Ans: %%C
13. What is the procedure for opening a new file?
Ans: Open and save new file followed by Limits setting, Unit setting and dim style settings.
14. What is difference between text and multi line text formats?
Ans: In text format we can type only one line and we cannot change the properties of text like text style, height, colour etc. In multi line text we can get text of multiple lines and the other properties in a single operation.
15. How do you find area of irregular 2D object?
Ans: First develop a region inside the irregular object and then area command by object method.
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