Hitechsgeeks is a platform for students and working professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of engineering and technology

Hitechsgeeks is a platform for students and working professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of engineering and technology

Hitechsgeeks is a platform for students and working professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of engineering and technology

Hitechsgeeks is a platform for students and working professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of engineering and technology.

Hitechsgeeks is a platform for students and working professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of engineering and technology.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Oracle DBA Interview Questions - 6


1. What are the different types of PL/SQL program units that can be defined and stored in ORACLE database?
   Procedures and Functions, Packages and Database Triggers.

2. What is a Procedure?
    A Procedure consist of a set of SQL and PL/SQL statements that are grouped together as a unit to solve     a specific problem or perform a set of related tasks.

3. What is difference between Procedures and Functions?
     A Function returns a value to the caller where as a Procedure does not.

4. What is a Package?
    A Package is a collection of related procedures, functions, variables and other package constructs together as a unit in the database.

5. What are the advantages of having a Package?
    Increased functionality (for example, global package variables can be declared and used by any procedure in the package) and performance (for example all objects of the package are parsed compiled, and loaded into memory once)

6. What is Database Trigger?
    A Database Trigger is procedure (set of SQL and PL/SQL statements) that is automatically executed as a result of an insert in, update to, or delete from a table.

7. What are the uses of Database Trigger?
    Database triggers can be used to automatic data generation, audit data modifications, enforce complex Integrity constraints, and customize complex security authorizations.

8. What are the differences between Database Trigger and Integrity constraints?
    A declarative integrity constraint is a statement about the database that is always true. A constraint applies to existing data in the table and any statement that manipulates the table.
A trigger does not apply to data loaded before the definition of the trigger, therefore, it does not guarantee all data in a table conforms to the rules established by an associated trigger.
A trigger can be used to enforce transitional constraints where as a declarative integrity constraint cannot be used.

9. What are Roles ?
   Roles are named groups of related privileges that are granted to users or other roles.

10. What are the uses of Roles ?
       REDUCED GRANTING OF PRIVILEGES - Rather than explicitly granting the same set of privileges          to many users a database administrator can grant the privileges for a group of related users granted to a        role and then grant only the role to each member of the group.
      DYNAMIC PRIVILEGE MANAGEMENT - When the privileges of a group must change, only the       privileges of the role need to be modified. The security domains of all users granted the group's role automatically reflect the changes made to the role.
    SELECTIVE AVAILABILITY OF PRIVILEGES - The roles granted to a user can be selectively enable (available for use) or disabled (not available for use). This allows specific control of a user's privileges in any given situation.
   APPLICATION AWARENESS - A database application can be designed to automatically enable and disable selective roles when a user attempts to use the application.

11. How to prevent unauthorized use of privileges granted to a Role ?
       By creating a Role with a password.

12. What is default table space ?
      The Tablespace to contain schema objects created without specifying a tablespace name.

13. What is Tablespace Quota ?
       The collective amount of disk space available to the objects in a schema on a particular tablespace.

14. What is a profile ?
       Each database user is assigned a Profile that specifies limitations on various system resources available to the user.

15. What are the system resources that can be controlled through Profile ?
      The number of concurrent sessions the user can establish the CPU processing time available to the user's       session the CPU processing time available to a single call to ORACLE made by a SQL statement the           amount of logical I/O available to the user's session the amount of logical I/O available to a single call to        ORACLE made by a SQL statement the allowed amount of idle time for the user's session the allowed         amount of connect time for the user's session.

16. What is Auditing ?
       Monitoring of user access to aid in the investigation of database use.

17. What are the different Levels of Auditing ?
       Statement Auditing, Privilege Auditing and Object Auditing.

18. What is Statement Auditing ?
      Statement auditing is the auditing of the powerful system privileges without regard to specifically named objects.

19. What is Privilege Auditing ?
      Privilege auditing is the auditing of the use of powerful system privileges without regard to specifically             named objects.

20. What is Object Auditing ?
     Object auditing is the auditing of accesses to specific schema objects without regard to user.

Oracle DBA Interview Questions - 1

Friday, 20 May 2016

Oracle DBA Interview Questions - 5

1. What Does DBWR do?
     Database writer writes modified blocks from the database buffer cache to the data files.

2. When Does DBWR write to the database?
     DBWR writes when more data needs to be read into the SGA and too few database buffers are free. The least recently used data is written to the data files first. DBWR also writes when CheckPoint occurs.

3. What does LGWR do?
     Log Writer (LGWR) writes redo log entries generated in the redo log buffer of the SGA to on-line Redo Log File.

4. When does LGWR write to the database?
    LGWR writes redo log entries into an on-line redo log file when transactions commit and the log buffer files are full.

5. What is the function of checkpoint (CKPT)?
    The Checkpoint (CKPT) process is responsible for signaling DBWR at checkpoints and updating all the data files and control files of the database.

6. What are the functions of SMON?
    System Monitor (SMON) performs instance recovery at instance start-up. In a multiple instance system (one that uses the Parallel Server), SMON of one instance can also perform instance recovery for other instance that have failed SMON also cleans up temporary segments that are no longer in use and recovers dead transactions skipped during crash and instance recovery because of file-read or off-line errors. These transactions are eventually recovered by SMON when the tablespace or file is brought back on-line SMON also coalesces free extents within the database to make free space contiguous and easier to allocate.

7. What are functions of PMON?
    Process Monitor (PMON) performs process recovery when a user process fails PMON is responsible for cleaning up the cache and Freeing resources that the process was using PMON also checks on dispatcher and server processes and restarts them if they have failed.

8. What is the function of ARCH?
    Archiver (ARCH) copies the on-line redo log files to archival storage when they are full. ARCH is active only when a database's redo log is used in ARCHIVELOG mode.

9. What is function of RECO?
     RECOver (RECO) is used to resolve distributed transactions that are pending due to a network or system failure in a distributed database. At timed intervals, the local RECO attempts to connect to remote databases and automatically complete the commit or rollback of the local portion of any pending distributed transactions.

10. What is the function of Dispatcher (Dnnn)?
       Dispatcher (Dnnn) process is responsible for routing requests from connected user processes to available shared server processes and returning the responses back to the appropriate user processes.

11. How many Dispatcher Processes are created?
      At least one Dispatcher process is created for every communication protocol in use.

12. What is the function of Lock (LCKn) Process?
       Lock (LCKn) are used for inter-instance locking when the ORACLE Parallel Server option is used.

13. What is the maximum number of Lock Processes used?
      Though a single LCK process is sufficient for most Parallel Server systems
      Upto Ten Locks (LCK0,....LCK9) are used for inter-instance locking.

14. Name the ORACLE Background Process ?
        DBWR - Database Writer.
        LGWR - Log Writer
        CKPT - Check Point
        SMON - System Monitor
        PMON - Process Monitor
        ARCH - Archiver
        RECO - Recover
        Dnnn - Dispatcher, and
        LCKn - Lock
        Snnn - Server.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Oracle DBA Interview Questions - 4

1. What constitute an ORACLE Instance?
      SGA and ORACLE background processes constitute an ORACLE instance. (Or) Combination of memory structure and background process.

2. What is SGA?
    The System Global Area (SGA) is a shared memory region allocated by ORACLE that contains data and control information for one ORACLE instance.

3. What are the components of SGA?
     Database buffers, Redo Log Buffer the Shared Pool and Cursors.

4. What do Database Buffers contain?
     Database buffers store the most recently used blocks of database data. It can also contain modified data that has not yet been permanently written to disk.

5. What do Redo Log Buffers contain?
     Redo Log Buffer stores redo entries a log of changes made to the database.

6. What is Shared Pool?
     Shared Pool is a portion of the SGA that contains shared memory constructs such as shared SQL areas.

7. What is Shared SQL Area?
     A Shared SQL area is required to process every unique SQL statement submitted to a database and contains information such as the parse tree and execution plan for the corresponding statement.

8. What is Cursor?
     A Cursor is a handle (a name or pointer) for the memory associated with a specific statement.

9. What is PGA?
     Program Global Area (PGA) is a memory buffer that contains data and control information for a server process.

10. What is User Process?
      A user process is created and maintained to execute the software code of an application program. It is a shadow process created automatically to facilitate communication between the user and the server process.

11. What is Server Process?
       Server Process handles requests from connected user process. A server process is in charge of communicating with the user process and interacting with ORACLE carry out requests of the associated user process.

12. What are the two types of Server Configurations?
       Dedicated Server Configuration and Multi-threaded Server Configuration.

13. What is Dedicated Server Configuration?
       In a Dedicated Server Configuration a Server Process handles requests for a Single User Process.

14. What is a Multi-threaded Server Configuration?
       In a Multi-threaded Server Configuration many user processes share a group of server process.

15. What is a Parallel Server option in ORACLE?
        A configuration for loosely coupled systems where multiple instances share a single physical database is called Parallel Server.

Also Check the below links:

Monday, 9 May 2016

Civil Engineering Interview Questions - 7

1. Give some conventional signs & symbols used in drawing.


2. What is the standard range of tread and risers for staircase?
Ans:  a. The tread for staircase range from 230 mm to 300 mm
         b. The riser for staircase range from 150 mm to 165 mm

3. What is a site plan?
   Ans: Location of the facility within the plot area indicating the north direction is site plan.

4. What are the set of working drawings?
    Ans: Working drawing consists of Plans, Sections, Elevations and detailed drawings with required dimensions.

5. How many types of Drawings are there?
    Ans: Drawings are: Preliminary Drawings, Tender drawing, working drawing & Presentation drawings.

6. What is latitude & Longitude?
Ans:  a. Latitudes are imaginary lines on the surface of earth from West to East.
         b. Longitudes are imaginary lines on the surface of earth from North to South.

7. On what does the quality and accuracy of a drawing depend?
    Ans: The quality and accuracy of a drawing depends upon the quality of drawing instruments.

8. What is a Representative fraction?
    Ans: Representative fraction (RF) is Length on drawing / Actual length

9. What is a perspective View?
     Ans: The perspective view is a central projection in which projection lines are not parallel but converge to a finite point from the plane of projection.

10. What are the popularly available bar diameters for reinforcing?
      Ans: Popularly available bar diameters for reinforcing are 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 20 mm, 25mm, 28 mm & 32 mm

11. What are the structural steel section designations?
      Ans: Structural steel section designations are ISMB, ISMC, ISA, IST etc.

12. What are the popularly available structural steel beams?
     Ans: Popularly available structural steel beams are ISMB 125, ISMB 150, ISMB 175, ISMB 200, ISMB 250, ISMB 300, ISMB 350, ISMB 400, ISMB 450, ISMB 500, ISMB 600 etc.

13. Where the main reinforcements are placed in Cantilever beam and simply supported beams?
Ans:  a. In Cantilever beams main reinforcements are placed at top surface.
         b. In Simply supported beam the main reinforcement are placed at the bottom surface.

14. What are the different types of Roofs?
      Ans: Different types of Roofs are Pitched Roof, Flat Roof and Curved Roof.

Auto CAD Questions

1. What is full form of CAD?
    Ans: CAD means Computer Aided Design.

2. What is layer management in AutoCAD? How are layers useful?
     Ans: Drawing different elements in different Layer of same drawing is Layer management. By drawing in Layers, we can overlap different features without actually over writing. Lighting layout etc can be overlapped with building plan to get the actual feel without congesting the Drawing.

3. How do you set up layers?
    Ans: Layers can be setup in AutoCAD by creating different layers and drawing relevant features in that current Layer. It can also be achieved by creating different layers and then changing the already drawn elements into that layer.

4. How many types of menus AutoCAD has?
Ans: AutoCAD has pull down menus, Side menus etc.

5. Which version of AutoCAD is being used by you?
     Ans: We have AutoCAD 2011 version.

6. How do you set layer properties?
    Ans: Layer properties are set in Layer list menu.

7. What are the layer properties which can be set?
    Ans: Layer properties such as colour of font, type of font, line thickness, line type etc can be Set in layer properties.

8. What command is used to convert 3D to 2D?
      Ans: FLATTEN

9. What is the Command to draw an arc between two intersecting lines?
    Ans. FILLET (F)

10. How do you display information about objects on the screen?
      Ans: List (Li)

11. How do you copy objects from one layer to another layer?
      Ans: By using COPYTOLAYER command

12. What is the shortcut for getting diameter (Ø) symbol in text?
       Ans: %%C

13. What is the procedure for opening a new file?
       Ans: Open and save new file followed by Limits setting, Unit setting and dim style settings.

14. What is difference between text and multi line text formats?
      Ans: In text format we can type only one line and we cannot change the properties of text like text style, height, colour etc. In multi line text we can get text of multiple lines and the other properties in a single operation.

15. How do you find area of irregular 2D object?
    Ans: First develop a region inside the irregular object and then area command by object method.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Civil Engineering Interview Questions - 6

1. What is scale? What are the different scales adopted for drawings?
     Ans: Scale is defined as Drawing measurement / Actual measurement. The different scales adopted are    1:100, 1:50, 1:20.

2. What are the different sheet sizes you adopt for drawings?
    Ans: Different drawing paper sizes adopted are: ISO A1, ISO A2, ISO A0 etc.

3. How do you make revision to a drawing and where do you reflect it?
   Ans: Revisions to the drawings are made in the tracing sheets after the drawing is plotted. The revision locations will be mentioned in the revision column on lower central portion of the drawing sheet. The revision number, Date of revision, Name of the person who revised and the Signature of the approving authority will be in revision column.

4. What is the method adopted for storing drawing sheets physically?
     Ans: The drawings are stored in plan filing cabinets for temporary storage. Then the same are rolled and are stored in Cup Boards.

5. What is the time required for exposure in ammonia printing?
    Ans: Time required for ammonia exposure for printing is One minute.

6. How will you differentiate Brick work & RR Masonry?
     Ans: Different hatch patterns are used to identify Brick Work and RR Masonry.
       It is represented below:

7. What is a Plan?
     Ans: It is a Horizontal sectional view at sill level.

8. What is a Section?
     Ans: It is a vertical Sectional View.

9. What is the type of Tracing Sheet you are using?
    Ans: The tracing sheets used is of 90 / 95 GSM (grams per square meter) – of size 915 mm X 50000 mm

10. What is a Drawing?
      Ans: Drawing is a universal language of the engineers. Without knowing, one cannot understand the views of engineers. It has its own rules.

11. What is the relation between A0, A1, A2, A3 drawing sizes?
       Ans: The relationship is A0 / 2 = A1, A1 / 2 = A2, A2 / 2 = A3, A3 / 2 = A4.

12. Give dimension of A0, A1 and A2 size drawing sheets?
      Ans: The dimensions are: A0 -1184 X 841 mm, A1 - 841 X 594 mm and A2 - 594 X 420 mm.

13. What are the different components of drawing sheet?
      Ans: Different components of the drawing sheets are: Border lines, Title Block , Notes, Revision columns, Drawing area, Folding Marks, Area identification marks, Drawing Number, Projection angle symbol, Names / Signatures of persons who have Drawn, Designed, Design Checked, Recommended, Approved, Scale, Address, Title of Drawing etc.

14. What are dimension lines?
      Ans: Dimension lines are thin continuous lines with arrow heads / ticks etc at ends indicating the dimension between points.

15. What is an Ammonia print and what is a blue print?
       Ans: Where background of drawing sheet print is white and letters & line work are blue it is called Ammonia print.
Where background of drawing sheet print is blue and letters & line work are white it is called Blue print.

16. What is first angle projection? What is third angle projection?
       Ans:  a. When the object is placed in the 1st quadrant such that it is between the projection plane and the observer, the projections so obtained are called first angle projection.
              b. When the object is placed in the 3rd quadrant and the places of projections are in between the object and the observer, the projections so obtained are called third angle projection.

17. Which projection do you use in preparation of civil drawings?
      Ans: First angle projection is used in preparation of Civil Drawings.

18. What is the speed adjusted for tracing sheets in ammonia printing machine?
       Ans: The speed adjusted is 1.5 / rotations per minute

19. What is the specification for tubes inside printer?
      Ans: Blue Fluorescent Tubes of capacity 40 W.

20. What is the importance of north direction indicator?
      Ans: To obtain and exact information regarding the location of the building with respect to north direction.

21. What is the general building height?
     Ans: The general building height is 3000 mm for Regular buildings, 3500 mm for Office building.

22. What is the proportion of Arrow in a drawing?
       Ans: The proportion of Arrow in a drawing is 1:3

23. What are the different types of scales?
      Ans: Different types of Scales are:
           a. Enlarged scales: When drawings drawn are larger than the actual size, they are known as enlarged  scale.
            b. Reduced scale: When drawings drawn are smaller than actual size, they are known as reduced   scales.

24. What are projection rays?
      Ans: The imaginary rays joining the corners of the object with the observer’s eyes are known as projection rays.

25. What is plane of projection?
      Ans: The plane on which the projection of objects is obtained is called plane of projection.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Civil Engineering Interview Questions - 5

1. What are the advantages offered by trees if planted surrounding the building?
     Ans: The trees will prevent the noise and air pollution to a maximum extent.

2. Which is the type of lift that doesn’t need a machine room on top of the last floor?
     Ans: The Hydraulic Lift doesn’t need a machine room on top of the last floor.

3. What are the types of arches used in the architectural designing?
     Ans: There are five types of arches used in the architectural designing
           a. Flat Arch
           b. Semi-circular Arch
           c. Segmental Arch
          d. Relieving Arch
          e. Dutch / French Arch

4. Why flutes were provided in the stone columns of ancient buildings?
     Ans: To hide the joints of the stone masonry and to provide the visual illusion of the height.

5. How many types of stair-cases can we design?
      Ans: There are six varieties of stair-cases which can be designed
             a. Straight stairs
             b. Dog-legged stairs
             c. Open-newel stairs
            d. Geometrical stairs
            e. Circular stairs
            f. Bifurcated stairs

6. Define the ‘Gable’.
     Ans: It is a triangular shaped portion of masonry at the end of a sloped roof.

7. What is the purpose of providing cavity walls?
      Ans: The Cavity walls have 25% greater insulating value than solid walls and are economical.

8. What is plinth area?
      Ans: The built up, covered area measured at the floor level of the basement of any storey.

9. What is a window?
    Ans: An opening on the exterior wall which provides all or part of the required natural light or ventilation or both to an interior space.

10. What do you mean by partition?
       Ans: An interior non-load bearing barrier, one storey or part-storey in height.

11. What is a Baluster?
       Ans: It is a wooden, metal or masonry vertical member supporting a hand rail.

12. What is Newel Post?
      Ans: It is a wooden or metallic post supporting the handrail and is usually provided at the hand, foot or at points where the balustrade changes its direction.

13. What is the average eye-level of the human beings?
       Ans: 1500 mm is the average human eye-level considered for all design purposes.

14. List out the varieties of natural stones used in the building finishes.
       Ans: The following natural stones are generally used in the building finishes:
            a. Granite
            b. Marble
            c. Shahbad
            d. Slate
            e. Sandstone

15. What are the types of buildings?
       Ans: Buildings are classified into 9 categories, they are:
            a. Residential
            b. Educational
            c. Institutional
            d. Assembly 

            e. Business
            f. Mercantile
           g. Industrial
           h. Storage
           i. Hazardous

16. Why is false ceiling adopted for buildings?
       Ans: For reducing the volume of air in the given room for effective air-conditioning and to hide the cables in corridors. The type of false ceiling will decided depending upon the usage of that area.

17. What is FSI and FAR and how will you calculate?
       Ans: FSI is floor space index and FAR is floor area ratio

                              Total covered area of the floors
      FSI / FAR = -----------------------------------------------
                                                    Plot area

18. How will you decide the opening size of the room?
       Ans: Opening size will be decided as per the function and the occupant load of that room.

19. What are the deciding factors for the provision of the lift?
       Ans: Function, occupant load and space restriction are the deciding factors for the provision of the lift.

20. How many types of lifts are there?
      Ans: There are five varieties of lifts available as per the functional requirement and they are:
           a. Passenger lifts
           b. Goods lifts
           c. Hospital lifts
           d. Goods lifts
           e. Dumb waiters

21. What is ashlar stone masonry and rubble stone masonry?
       Ans: The dressed stones are used in the ashlar stone masonry and undressed stones are used in the rubble stone masonry.

22. Who has designed “The House of Falling Waters”?
      Ans: The Architect Frank Lloyd Wright had designed “The House of Falling Waters”.